How To Create A Twitter Account For Business? [in 2022]

Written by: Emily Anderson
Last updated:

If you want your brand to gain visibility and stay ahead of the crowd, you might just want to invest in social media marketing. With the right social media presence, you will organically connect to your target audience and your audience base will be significantly wider.

You will find multiple social media platforms that are geared towards small, medium-sized, and large corporations. Among them, Twitter tops the charts for its transparency and business-friendly perks. But how to create a Twitter account for business? Let’s dig deeper.

How to create a Twitter Business Account?

To create a Twitter account for a business:

  1. Head to the Twitter homepage, click ‘Sign up, and enter your name and contact details to complete the registration.
  2. Next, you will be asked to set a username and a password.
  3. Confirm the details.
  4. Select the ‘Create my account’ option and then proceed with ‘Next’.
  5. You can now start building your Twitter timeline by following people. To begin with, you need to follow at least three people.
  6. You will now get a screen for automatically adding the people you know. Skim through the list and let Twitter do its job.
  7. At this point, you can start personalizing your Twitter feed specific to your business. Add content, infographics, or anything you like.
  8. To add more credibility to your business, consider adding a profile photo.
  9. Choose a catchy tagline for your Twitter header. This is an excellent way to market your business.
  10. Add a link to your business website so people can directly visit you if your products pique their interest.
  11. Now, add your business bio. Keep it concise, straightforward, and engaging.
  12. Finally, sync your Twitter business page with Facebook (if you want to).
  13. Save your changes.
  14. Voila! Your Twitter account is all set.

Add a Twitter profile and Header photo

Now that you know how Twitter works and how you can create a profile there, let’s learn how to add your Twitter profile photo and header image. As a company, you want an image that is visually representative of your business but is also well-accommodating in twitter’s small thumbnail.

For starters, you can use your business logo. This will be the logo that’ll be related to every tweet or retweet on your feed. Ideally, the photo should be around 400*400 pixels.

When it comes to the header image, you want a banner-style format that updates the audience about your latest offerings. You can also use this banner to market new launches or upcoming programs. You can get this updated quarterly to keep your audience engaged and keep your profile active. Ideally, the header should be around 1500*1500 pixels.

Currently, Twitter accepts all leading image formats including (but not limited to) PNG, GIF, and JPG.

Add a Display name and a Twitter handle that is close to your business name

Next, you would want to add a unique display name. For the uninitiated, this is the name that appears right at the top of the @. The display name can have a maximum character limit of 50 characters and for your business, you want a name that would directly link to your company. You can change your display name anytime.

Finally, we have the account name that you will find after the @. As with the display name, make sure it is related to your business.

Add your Twitter business bio and a link to your website

Now that you’re done setting up the profile you need to create a business bio of 160 characters describing what you do and how you want to help the users.

Keep it straightforward and if you are looking to tap into the locals, make sure your location is tagged to your account. To keep it even more professional, you want to add a link to your website and your opening/closing hours.

Start tweeting and engaging with your audience to grow your Twitter business account

Now that you are done with the rest of the steps, it is time to let the world know about your business. Engaging your audience is not easy, and you might want to follow the below hacks while starting.

  • Keep posting engaging content and infographics about your business.
  • Add tons of visual content like images and infographics.
  • Make sure you send out consistent tweets. This way, the users know that you are an engaged business.
  • Promote your brand on related pages.
  • Interact with competitor brands to keep it sassy.

ChatGPT For Twitter Checklist & Prompt Library (64 Expert Prompts)

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