How To Delete Instagram Posts? [In 2022] (Videos And Photos)

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If you want to get rid of Instagram posts you can easily delete them. In this short tutorial, we are going to show you two ways how to delete Instagram posts easily. In this Instagram marketing tutorial, we are going to show you also a method that you can use to mass delete Instagram posts.

Delete Instagram Posts In The Instagram App

If you want to delete an Instagram post here is how to do it:

  1. Open up the Instagram app
  2. Go to Instagram post that you want to delete
  3. Click on the three dots in the right corner of the postthree dots on an Instagram post
  4. From the options that appear, tap on ‘Delete’delete an Instagram post
  5. Instagram will ask you to confirm that you want to delete this Instagram post. Here, you can also choose to archive the Instagram post instead.confirm deleting an Instagram post
  6. Click on ‘Delete’

Now, this post will be moved to the Recently Deleted posts.

Delete an Instagram post permanently

  1. Open up ‘Settings’Instagram settings menu
  2. Tap on ‘Account’
  3. Then select ‘Recently deleted”.Recently deleted Instagram posts
  4. Here you can select the Instagram post that you want permanently delete.
  5. Select it by clicking on the three dots.
  6. Tap on ‘Delete’. This Instagram post then will be permanently deleted.permanently delete an Instagram post

This method is the same whether you want to delete an Instagram photo or video.

Mass Delete Instagram Posts In Creator Studio

If you want to delete one Instagram post the process we have just shown you can work but what if you want to mass delete a bunch of Instagram posts?

In this case, we would use Facebook Creator Studio that makes is it really easy to mass delete a lot of Instagram posts at once.

Here is how to mass delete Instagram posts:

  1. Open
  2. On the left sidebar, click on ‘Creator Studio’creator studio from Facebook home page
  3. Switch to ‘Instagram” on the top, so you can manage your Instagram posts.switch to instagram in Facebook Creator Studio
  4. Now you can easily see all your Instagram posts. You can filter to posts that have been published, archived and you can also filter the posts down by media format.
  5. Select the posts you want to delete and then click on the ‘Delete’ buttonmass delete Instagram posts

To see the process of deleting Instagram posts in Creator Studio, check out our video tutorial as well:

What Happens To Instagram Posts That Have Been Deleted?

Once you delete an Instagram post it will be first moved to the Recently Deleted section. All Instagram content that was deleted from Instagram will stay here for 30 days and if you don’t restore it, it will be deleted permanently after 30 days.

Check out our tutorial on how to restore deleted Instagram photos and videos.

Can’t delete Instagram posts

If you can’t delete an Instagram post, you might have deleted too many at the same time and Instagram temporarily blocked you from deleting more.

This is more likely a temporary block, so wait a couple of hours or a day and you will be able to delete Instagram posts again.

Alternatives to deleting an Insta post

Keep in mind that when you delete an Instagram post and you do not restore it in 30 days it will be deleted permanently and you won’t be able to restore it anymore.

So if you want to just temporarily delete an IG post or you want to still see the post just hide from the public, you can archive an Instagram post. We show this how to do step by step in this tutorial:

FAQ – Removing Instagram posts

Where you can find deleted Instagram photos and videos?

If you have deleted an Instagram photo or video you can find in it for 30 days in the recently deleted section.

Can you permanently delete an Instagram post?

Yes, you can. You have to either delete the Instagram post then wait 30 days and Instagram will automatically delete the deleted Instagram post. The second option is once you have deleted the Instagram post, navigate to the Recently Deleted folder and delete the deleted Instagram also from there as well.

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