Facebook Page And Post Engagement Custom Audience Explained [in 2021]

Written by: ROIhacks.com
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One of the less known Facebook Custom Audiences is Custom Audience from engagement data of your Facebook page and posts. If your posts on Facebook are getting huge engagement but are not converting customers, you will be able to use these custom audiences to retarget and close them with your offer.

In this guide, we are going to cover everything you have to know about Facebook page and post engagement custom audiences, such as:

  • How to create Facebook Page and Post Engagement Custom Audiences
  • Types of Facebook page and post engagement custom audiences you can create
  • How to use Facebook page and post engagers custom audiences in retargeting and lookalike audience campaigns
  • Other Facebook Engagement Custom Audiences you could experiment with.

At the end of this article, we will also answer some of the most frequently asked questions related to Facebook Page and Post engagement Custom Audience.

How to create Facebook Page Engagement Custom Audience?

The process of create these Facebook Page Custom Audiences is actually a pretty easy process as you only have to create the Custom Audience. Here are all the steps to go through:

  1. Go to the Audiences page of the Ad Account where you will use the Custom Audience
  2. In the upper left corner click on ‘Create Audience’ then ‘Custom Audience’

Create Custom Audience Button in Business Manager

3. A new window will pop up where you can see from which sources you can make a Facebook Custom Audience. Click on ‘Facebook Page’

Create Facebook Page and Post Custom Audience

4. Now you can see the window where you will be able to exactly specify you Facebook Page Engagement Custom Audience. First, you can choose between an ALL and ANY condition which will define if the Facebook custom audience you are creating will include all the audiences you list or just those people who meet all of the criteria you specify. (you can add up to 5 conditions)

Create a Facebook Page Custom Audience

5. Choose the Facebook Page if you have multiple ones connected to your Facebook Ad account

6. Select the conditions that will segment the Facebook Page Engagement Custom Audience (see later the explanation on what each condition means)

7. Define the number of days you want the users to remain in the audience. You can keep people in the custom audience up to 365 days

8. Add a descriptive name to the audience and you can also provide a description if you want to do so

9. Double-check if the conditions are right and click on ‘Create Audience’

Types of Facebook Page Engagement Custom Audiences you can target

Here are all the Facebook post and page user engagement conditions you can use to create a Facebook Custom Audience:

  • Everyone who engaged with your Facebook page. This is the least segmented type of Facebook page and post engagement audience. This includes anyone who visited your Facebook page or engaged with posts or ads of your Facebook page or Messenger
  • People who visited your Facebook page
  • People who engaged with one of the posts or ads of your Facebook page. Engagement includes reactions (Like, Lova, Haha, Wow, Sad, Angry)  to posts or ads, shares, comments, link clicks, carousel swipes
  • People who clicked on any CTA button of your Facebook Page or a post. (e.g. Shop now, Contact us, etc.)
  • People who sent a message to your Facebook page
  • People who saved your Facebook page or one of your Facebook posts or ads

How to leverage Facebook Page Engagement Custom Audiences?

Once you created the Facebook engaged users custom audiences you can use them either for running retargeting campaigns or making Lookalike Audience out of the new custom audiences.

Retargeting Facebook page and post engagement

It can be useful if you were running big post page engagement campaigns with the goal of increasing the awareness of a cold audience with content that is like and comment-baity.

Another example to use these custom audiences effectively is with viral FB posts. If you have managed to create a Facebook post that became viral and thousands of people liked, commented and shared the post then you should definitely retarget the engaged users as viral posts are never focused on conversions. 

Then you can create a Custom Audience from people who engaged with your Facebook posts and retarget them with a more conversion-focused message in a campaign where you optimize for a macro conversion. (lead, purchase or similar conversion event).

Lookalike Audiences from Facebook page and post engagement

In most cases, I wouldn’t use this Engagement Custom Audience to create Lookalike Audiences, as liking a Facebook page or post is not the strongest user signal that would indicate that a user is close to a conversion on your website. There are also plenty of Facebook users who like and comment on every Facebook post they see but usually never buy anything online.

Other Facebook Engagement Custom Audiences to experiment with

To be honest, Facebook page and post engagers are not the best source of custom audience you can create from people who engaged with your Facebook or Instagram content. Here are some other Engagement Custom Audiences you can try out:

  • Custom Audiences from Instagram business page engagers 
  • Custom Audiences from people who opened or submitted one of your FB Lead forms
  • Custom Audiences from people  who interacted with one of your Facebook events
  • Custom Audiences from people who opened on of your Instant Experience on FB or IG
  • Custom Audiences from people who viewed one of your videos on Facebook or Instagram
  • Custom Audiences from people who interacted with one of your products in a Facebook or Instagram Shopping experience
  • Custom Audiences from people who interacted with the on-Facebook listings from your catalogue 

If you need professional help setting up these Engagement or other Facebook Custom Audiences, you can also contact us here.

Frequently Asked Questions – Facebook Page Engagement Custom Audience 

Can you retarget people who liked your Facebook Posts?

Yes, you can retarget these people by creating a Facebook Post Engagement Custom Audience targeting people who engaged with any of your Facebook posts. However you can’t exclusively retarget people who engaged with a certain post or posts.

How to capitalize on your popular or viral Facebook posts?

It is very easy to create a Custom Audience from people who engaged with your Facebook posts. Although it will include all people who engaged with any of your posts but that is a compromise you have to make. Then you can use these custom audiences to retarget these people and capitalize on the popularity of your viral Facebook post.

Can you retarget people who like or follow your Facebook page?

Yes, you can do that and you don’t even have to create a Custom Audience for that, you can target Facebook page fans and followers at the ad set level of the Facebook campaign creation process.

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