How To Find LinkedIn Profile ID? [in 2023]

Written by: Emily Anderson
Last updated:

Do you need to find the LinkedIn profile ID?

In this LinkedIn profile tutorial, we are going to show you how to find the LinkedIn ID step by step and everything else that relates to this.

If you prefer to watch a video tutorial on LinkedIn ID, check out this one:

What is LinkedIn Profile ID?

LinkedIn works as a resume and recruiting, selling products and services, and establishing necessary connections for employees and all types of businesses. You can create a profile that shows your experiences, skills, past work details, educational qualifications, and other objectives as well.

So, finding LinkedIn profile ID is very much necessary for a professional person. If you have a business then, you can use this social media platform as sales marketing and build connections with other and popular business personalities and companies as well.

If you want to sell your products then, LinkedIn can search the potential marketers for you and help you to sell your products. You can make a wide connection to the people on your networking site after they receive your request.

How To Find LinkedIn Profile ID?

You can find out the LinkedIn profile ID by following these simple steps. These steps are as follows:

You need to sign in to your LinkedIn account.

  1. After that you need to select the profile bar from the top and click on the ‘view profile’ tab.
  2. You will have to look at the Profile URL closely and find LinkedIn profile ID of yours easily.
  3. In the URL section, you can get the numbers following ID.

This video will be also helpful to find the LinkedIn profile ID:

You can also change your LinkedIn profile ID. For that, you will have to follow some steps. The profile of LinkedIn generates based on your name. So, you can change it whenever you want.

You will have to go to the homepage of your LinkedIn account and from there, you can click on ‘Me’ button and select the ‘view profile’ option. After that, you will have to edit your public profile and URL as well. From there, you can get a new tab.

After that, you can edit your custom URL. You need to edit your current URL and for that, you will have to click on the pencil icon. You can type your URL and save the confirmed changes. LinkedIn will give you an alert if your chosen handle is not available. So, then, you can select a different handle for your LinkedIn profile.

Can’t find my LinkedIn ID

If you will not follow these steps then, you cannot find the LinkedIn ID. So, you should follow these steps. You should always use your name for a customized URL. It is the best option. You can also add your business name to the URL.

But in the future, if you change your business name or job post or else sell your business then, it will be necessary to change the URL once again. So, using your name in the URL means a relevant one. It will not change and you do not need to face the hassle to change it again and again.

Other information related to LinkedIn user ID

Now, if you want to copy the LinkedIn profile link then, it is quite simple. You will have to highlight the web link in the web browser. After that, you will have to copy the whole URL and paste it on your digital resume and other digital touchpoints.

Many users use LinkedIn profile ID on iPhones and iPads. So, you will have to know how to find out the LinkedIn profile ID. You will have to click on the LinkedIn mobile option and after that click on the ‘view profile’ option.

The LinkedIn profile ID is unique for every profile. You cannot take the URL that hasn’t already been taken by someone else. It is advisable that you should not use numerals in the LinkedIn profile URL. You should use the simple alphabet. It is easy and hassle-free. So, you should not try to make it complex by using complicated numerals and signs in the URL.

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