LinkedIn Video Specs And Sizes [In 2022]

Written by: Emily Anderson
Last updated:

LinkedIn is a powerful networking tool for prospective employees and businesses alike. It allows you to make visible network connections, share content, and easily broadcast work-related qualifications. Just like on other social media platforms, video works great if you want to maximize your reach on LinkedIn.

In this LinkedIn tutorial, we are going to explain the best LinkedIn video specs and sizes. If you prefer a video tutorial on LinkedIn video specifications and dimensions, check out this one:

LinkedIn video types

When you think of a video, it is easy to think of a visual with motion and sound. But with LinkedIn and many other platforms you can show off your videos on, it can be a little more complicated. LinkedIn video specs and sizes matter when you are sharing a video, as does the type of video you are sharing on the platform if you want it to get the most traction.

There are a few types of LinkedIn videos:

  • Embedded videos
  • Native
  • Video ads

Embedded videos

The purpose of each of these videos types is different. For instance, embedded videos are still very popular on the platform. An embedded video is hosted on another website, like youtube, and the link is shared on LinkedIn. This sharing method is easy because you get the traffic from both sites, but you only have to upload the video to the web once.

Native Videos

Unfortunately, LinkedIn designates a preference for native videos, which are videos posted straight to the site. A native video will play automatically in someone’s feed, which is more eye-catching than a link or a stagnant thumbnail. The native ads are suitable for shorter or medium form content, as they are capped at 10 minutes long.

Video Ads

Out of the three, video ads have LinkedIn’s top preference on the platform:

You can post upload a video ad that is 30 minutes long,

  • It plays automatically in feeds
  • It is more likely to appear in feeds and raise brand awareness

LinkedIn video specs and sizes

LinkedIn video specs and sizes are different for each type of video you can upload to the platform. For instance, if you are uploading a native video, then your LinkedIn video specs and sizes should be:

5GB mazimum video file size

  • Formated in MP4, ASF MPEG-1 and MPEG-4, MKV, Web, H264/AVC, MP4, VP8 and VP9, WMV2, or WMV3
  • Resolution of 256 × 144 to 4096 × 2304 px
  • Aspect ratios of 1:2.4 to 2.4:1
  • Minimum length of 3 seconds
  • Maximum length of 10 minutes
  • Horizontal or square video formats

LinkedIn video ads specs and sizes

You have different options if you plan to create a LinkedIn video ad to post on the platform. The LinkedIn video specs and sizes for a video ad are:

Must be between 75B and 200MB video file size

  • Formated in: MP4
  • Minimum length of 3 seconds
  • Maximum length of 30 minutes

You have three different options on video layout for a video ad:

Landscape with a 16:9 aspect ratio (1.78) and a resolution of 640 x 360px to 1920 x 1080px

  • Square with a 1:1 aspect ratio (1) and a resolution of 360 x 360px to 1920 x 1920px
  • Vertical with a 9:16 aspect ratio (0.5652) and a resolution of 360 x 640px to 1080 x 1920px

LinkedIn video best practices

If you want your LinkedIn video to gain traction on the platform and therefore boost your brand awareness, then stick with a few best practices:

Use native videos or video ads instead of videos from other platforms.

  • Grab the viewers attention in the first few seconds because the videos play automatically
  • Add a subtitle to your video to further explain it since videos in feeds start playing without sound
  • Stick to shorter videos between 30 seconds to a minute and a half to get more watch time
  • Include transitions and dynamic video shots
  • Include a call to action at the end

Other information related to LinkedIn video specs and sizes

The title of your video is essential, so don’t just fluff something together and call it a day. As a business owner, you should look at your video title like a marketer would, no matter where you post it.

You should focus on high-volume keyword searches related to your video and weave them into the title. While your initial tile should be capped at 70 characters, you can also incorporate these keywords into your subtitle or introductory text, which can be 150 characters.

Finally, you should always strive to grab your viewer’s attention, whether a poping eye thumbnail or jaw-dropping first few seconds of the video.

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