There are nearly 400 million users of Twitter worldwide, and unless you make your Twitter account private anyone of those users can see all of your tweets, likes, pictures, and retweets you put on Twitter.
Your Tweets intended for your friends and family could go viral, or your tweets could upset your employers or potential future employers.
To limit this risk, you can make your Tetter account private, therefore only the people you allow to follow you or interact with can see your tweets. If you want to know how to make a Twitter account private, this article will show you each step you need to take.
How to make a Twitter account private?
Thankfully making a Twitter account is a relatively easy process. In order to make your Twitter account private, you will need to protect your tweets – which is Twitter’s speak for making your account private.
You can make your Twitter account private through any computer or laptop, through the Twitter website, or on your iOS/Android phone through the Twitter app. To start the process you will need to log onto your account and locate the privacy and safety menu. Once you have made your Twitter account private only those who follow you can see your tweets.
If you are using a desktop computer, here is how to make your Twitter account private:
- Log onto your account, and hit the notifications tab, which is on the left side of your screen.
- Click the small cog on the right of the tab, and go to your settings.
- When on the settings page, click on the Privacy and Safety menu. Clicking on it will reveal some options.
- Click on ‘Protect your Tweets’, and a box will pop up asking you if you want to protect your tweets.
- Click protect if you want this to happen.
- Once you have done this make sure you hit ‘Save Changes’ at the bottom of the page, otherwise your account changes may not save.
- You will then be asked to enter your password.
How to make a Twitter account private on iOS/Android phones?
If you are using iOS/Android phones, you can either go to the Twitter website or the Twitter app to make your account private.
- To begin you will need to log into the account you want to make private.
- At the top right-hand side of the screen, hit the cog icon which will take you to the settings page.
- Under your username, hit ‘Privacy and safety’.
- Then you will see ‘Protect your tweets’, with a sliding bar next to it.
- If you want to make your profile private, slide this bar to the right, so it turns green.
- When finished, hit ‘done’, and your account will now be private.
What happens when you make a Twitter account private?
When you make your Twitter account private, people will only be able to see your tweets, likes, and profile if they follow you. Additionally, if new people want to follow you, they will need to request that they can follow you, and you will need to accept their request for them to follow you. If you do not accept their request, they cannot follow you.
You should note that making a Twitter account private doesn’t apply retrospectively, Whilst all of your old tweets will now be private to people who do not follow you, it does not stop any unwanted followers you currently have from viewing your tweets. If this concerns you then you should look through your follower list and block any unwanted followers.
People will still be able to search for your Twitter profile, but a padlock will appear next to your account, and people will not be able to see your tweets. Similarly, if you reply to a tweet from your friend, your reply can only be seen by people you follow.
If someone follows your friend but does not follow you, they will not be able to see your tweet, instead, they will see a message that says that your tweets are protected.
Can’t make a Twitter account private?
Most people can successfully make their Twitter accounts private using a few simple steps. However, you need to make sure that you follow all of the steps carefully.
For example, if you are using the Twitter website, make sure that you save the changes when changing your account to private. Similarly, make sure that you confirm that you want to protect your tweets. If you fail to do either of these steps, your Twitter account will not become private.
Can you make a private Twitter account public again?
Yes, if you have changed your mind, you make your Twitter account public again with just a couple of short steps.
The quickest and easiest way to do this is through the Twitter app for iOS/Android phones.
- To do this, log onto your account on the app and click on the cog icon. Open your account settings page, and click on ‘Privacy and Safety’.
- If your account is set to private, you will see a green toggle bar next to ‘Protect your Tweets’.
- Move the toggle bar from right to left, and the green should disappear.
- Once you have done this, click done, and enter your password.