Write For Us At rOIHacks.com

Are you passionate about online marketing, online business and artificial intelligence (AI) or similar topics?

Do you have unique ideas and perspectives to share? If so, our website is looking for contributors like you!

Why Contribute To rOIHacks.com?

  • Free visibility: Your work will be showcased to our diverse and growing audience, giving you a platform to share your insights and stories.
  • Backlink: You will have the opportunity to mention your website and get a do-follow backlink from our website.
  • Growth: Improve your writing skills and portfolio through our platform.

What Kind Of Articles We’re Looking For?

  • Original Content: We value unique and original content. Please ensure your submission hasn’t been published elsewhere. We will run the submitted materials via Copyscape.
  • Quality: Well-researched, engaging, and informative articles that align with our content themes.
  • Voice: We love articles with a personal touch and a distinctive voice that resonates with our audience.

Article submission Guidelines:

  1. Topic Relevance: Make sure your topic fits our website’s theme & preferably target a keyword people search for.
  2. Length: Articles should be at least 700 words.
  3. Formatting: Submit your article in a nice format
  4. Images: Include high-quality images relevant to your content (if applicable).

How To Submit Contributions?

Send us your article ideas to [email protected]

Our editorial team will review your submission and get back to you.

We can’t wait to see what you’ll contribute to our website.