How To Add Email Button To Instagram? [In 2022]

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One of the best ways to get more leads or any kind of conversions on Instagram is to add an Email button to your Instagram bio. Many people don’t know but you can change your Contact button to an Email button.

In this short Instagram tutorial, we are going to show you this neat little trick on how you can add an Email button to your Instagram bio. 

Here you can see a video on the process of adding an email button to your Instagram bio as well:

What do you need for the email button to show up on your Instagram bio?

If you want the Email button to be visible on your Instagram bio here are three things that you have to do/have:

1.      You have to have an Instagram business account

An Instagram business or professional account is indispensable if you want to display any type of contact button on your Insta bio. There are many other benefits you will get access if you switch to a business account.

If you haven’t done so yet, you can check out this tutorial on how to convert a personal Instagram account to a business account here:

2.      Add your email in the Contact info section

No surprise, you have to add your business email address to the Contact info section if you want the Email button to show up on the Instagram bio. We are going to show you the step by step later.

3.      Remove any other contact info

So this one is also critical. If you want the Email button to show up, you have to make sure that other Contact info like business address and business phone numbers are deleted. Otherwise, a Contact button will get be shown instead of the Email button.

So let’s see the actual process you have to do so the Email button can show up on your bio.

How to add email button to Instagram bio?

  1. Open up the Instagram profile
  2. Tap on ‘Edit profile’edit Instagram profile
  3. Tap on ‘Contact options’.
  4. Add your business email here.add email button to your Instagram bio
  5. Remove any other contact information (both phone numbers and Business Address)

If you followed this process, the email button should be now added to your Instagram bio.

Email button not showing up on Instagram bio

If your Email button is not showing up, you have to check two things if you want to troubleshoot.

First, you have to make sure that you have removed any other Contact information besides the Email address. If you have added anything else, then instead of the Email button a Contact button will show up in the Insta bio.

Secondly, make sure that under ‘Profile Display Options’ ‘Display Contact info’ is turned on.

Other contact buttons you can place into your Instagram bio

Besides the Email button you can also put other contact buttons to your Instagram bio (but only one at once):

Frequently Asked Questions – How to place an email link to your Instagram bio?

How to get more emails and leads from Instagram?

First, add the Email button to the Instagram bio as we have shown in this tutorial, so it is really easy for people to click into your bio. Secondly, tell people to click on your email to contact you or your colleagues for XYZ.

How to remove email button from Instagram?

You can remove the Email button from your Instagram profile by either hiding in the Display Contact Info section or simply deleting from your Instagram contact options.

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