How To Add Payment Method And Manage Cards In Facebook Ad Account? [in 2022]

Written by: Emily Anderson
Last updated:

If you want to start advertising on Facebook, you have to add a payment method to your Facebook Ad Account that is working correctly.

In this Facebook ads tutorial, we are going to show you:

  • what payment methods can be used to pay for Facebook Ads
  • how to add a payment method (a card) to your Facebook Business Manager.
  • how to update or remove payment methods from Facebook

Accepted payment methods in Facebook

There are multiple accepted payment methods that Facebook supports. However, not necessarily all of these will be available in your country and for the currency you are using in your Facebook ad account.

Here are the most commonly accepted payment methods:

  • Credit or debit cards (American Express, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, JCB)
  • PayPal
  • Bank account (direct debit) in supported countries
  • Local manual payment methods in supported countries and currencies

If you want to see what are the accepted payment methods in your country, you can see a full list of accepted payment methods for Facebook ads here:

How to add payment methods to a Facebook Ad Account?

Here is how to add a payment method to your Facebook Ad Account:

  1. Open the Facebook Ads Manager account
  2. Click on ‘Ad Account Settings’.Facebook Ad Account settings
  3. Click on ‘Open Payment Settings’open payment settings in Facebook Ads Manager.
  4. Click on ‘Add Payment methods’
  5. Select the country, the currency and the time to add payment method to facebook ad account
  6. Click on ‘Next’
  7. Select your payment methods type whether it is debit or credit card, Paypal or ad credit.add card or paypal or ad credit as payment methods
  8. Add the card data and click on ‘Save’.

How to update or remove payment methods on Facebook?

If you want to update or remove a payment method from Facebook, here is how to do it:

  1. Open the Facebook Ads Manager account
  2. Click on ‘Ad Account Settings’.
  3. Click on ‘Open Payment Settings’
  4. Search for the payment method you want to remove.
  5. Click on the three dots
  6. Click on ‘Edit’ to update the card or PayPal data.update payment settings in a Facebook ad account
  7. Click on ‘Remove’ to delete the payment method or the card from Facebook.

If you prefer to watch a video tutorial on how to add payment methods to Facebook, check out this one:

Can’t add new payment methods to the Ad Account

Here are the most common reasons why you can’t add a new payment method to your Facebook Ad Account

  1. You are not the admin of the Facebook Ad Account. Only Facebook Ad account admins can add payment methods to a Facebook Ad Account.
  2. You try to add a payment method that is not supported in your country.
  3. The ad account can have only one currency. So if you have used USD for a previous payment method you can’t add a new payment method where the currency is Euro.

Related tutorials – Adding payment methods on Facebook

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