How To Change Youtube Channel Profile Picture? [In 2022]

Written by: Emily Anderson
Last updated:

The YouTube channel profile picture is an important element of the branding of your YouTube channel.

In this YouTube tutorial, we are going to show you how to change your existing YouTube channel profile picture to a new one.

Without further ado, let’s dive in.

How to make a YouTube Channel Profile Picture?

Before we would show you how to change the YouTube channel profile picture, we just want to emphasize how easy it is to make a great YouTube channel profile picture.

All you have to do is to learn the size and the specs of the YouTube channel profile picture then use a free easy-to-use image editing software like Canva.

We have explained the process here:

Alternatively, if you don’t want to deal with designing or have absolutely no design skills you can also outsource the complete process to freelancing designers.

You can use any of the popular freelancing sites like Fiverr or Upwork and let a professional designer create the YouTube channel profile picture for you. Here are some useful links if you want to outsource it:

How to change YouTube Channel Profile picture?

Once you have made your new YouTube channel profile picture, you can easily change the old one to the one you have just made.

Here is how to change YouTube channel profile picture:

  1. Sign in to YouTube Studio
  2. Click on ‘Customization’ in the left sidebar menu
  3. Select the ‘Branding’ channel customization - branding tab
  4. Under the ‘Picture’ section click on either ‘Change’ or ‘Upload’change the YouTube channel profile picture
  5. Upload the profile picture from your computer
  6. Crop the picture if it is necessary.
  7. Click on ‘Done’

Your YouTube channel profile picture now should be changed to the one you have just uploaded.

Go to one of your YouTube videos and check if the channel picture looks cool on both mobile and desktop.

Can’t change YouTube Channel Profile Picture

If you follow the process we have outlined above, you should be able to change the YouTube channel profile picture in the majority of the cases.

The most common issue that can prevent you from changing the YouTube channel profile picture is related to YouTube channel roles.

Only the YouTube channel owner or the YouTube channel manager can change the YouTube channel profile picture so if you have a lower level channel role, you won’t be able to do this.

Other YouTube Channel Details and Picture You Should Customize

Here are some other YouTube channel details that you can customize that can make your YouTube channel more branded:

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