How To Create A LinkedIn Group? [in 2023] – Easy Setup Steps

Written by: Emily Anderson
Last updated:

Although not as popular as Facebook groups, LinkedIn groups are another way to promote your business or build connections. Anyhow, if you have been wondering how to create a LinkedIn group this LinkedIn tutorial is for you.

If you want to watch a video tutorial instead on how to create a LinkedIn group, check out this video tutorial:

How To Create a LinkedIn group?

Here is how to create a Linkedin group:

Step 1: Go to the LinkedIn website

To create a LinkedIn group, you place your cursor over the Interests link in the top navigation bar. After this, click the Groups option in the drop-down menu that displays. The main area of your Groups page is visible, along with a Create a Group button on the right side of the page.

Step 2: Press on the Create a Group button

This takes you to the create a group page where you can start forming the team. Here is where you enter all of the details about the new group you have requested.

Step 3: Upload the group logo.

A logo is required on LinkedIn. The logo must be in PNG, JPEG, or GIF format, and it must not be larger than 100KB in size. Near the logo box, click the Browse button. Find the logo file on your computer in the Choose File dialog text box, and then click Open.

Request one of the managers for a high-resolution version of the logo if it already exists. Another option would be to keep a copy of the design from the group’s website – as long as you have the authority to use that picture.

As you construct your logo, keep in mind that it can’t be bigger than 100KB.

Step 4: Provide all the necessary group information

Because your group synopsis has only 300 characters, make sure you wisely choose what to place. You can use the search bar at the top of the front page to find comparable groups and read about similar organizations in your group type if you are unsure of what to put for your group description.

After that, return to the page where you created a LinkedIn group and write a description for it. It is also important to note that you will lose anything you have written if you browse other group profiles while writing your own.

Step 5: Finalize the information

Select the appropriate tick box if your group is situated in a certain geographic area. This is crucial when you create your LinkedIn group, as it’s for establishing relationships with other individuals in the same community.

Select that check box after reading through the Terms of Service. With that, you should now be able to see a post where your logos and data have been uploaded and are ready to be reviewed.

Step 6: Press the Create a Group button

Select the Create an Open Group button if you want everyone to see your group’s discussions. Select the Create a Members-Only Group button if you wish for only members to see your group’s discussions.

In any case, you’ll be led to your new group’s newly established home page, and your request will be submitted once you’ve clicked that button.

How to invite people to a LinkedIn group?

Step 1: Go to the top of your Groups page.

Step 2: From the drop-down menu, choose the appropriate group.

Step 3: Underneath the number of members, click the Invite Members option next to the group’s name.

– You can also restrict the connections by Locations, Current Companies, Schools, and Industries using the top filter choices.

Step 4: In the text field, type the names of your connections and choose who you’d like to invite.

Step 5: Lastly, click on the invite button.

Tips for growing a LinkedIn Group

#1 Use relevant keywords in the group description

After creating a LinkedIn group, you must use the proper keywords in your name and description if you want your group to be found. Try to include as many of these search terms as possible in your ideal members’ search terms while searching for new groups to join.

#2 Keep the Group Searchable and Open

Only group members will see the conversations and postings if it is closed.

When your LinkedIn group is open, anybody may read and contribute to your informative material, but only the best LinkedIn users are allowed to join and contribute.

#3 Participate regularly and encourage discussion

By investing time each day in providing relevant content to your new group, you can help it grow and prosper. Contributing every day is a great way to keep the group lively and fascinating while encouraging others to participate.

LinkedIn Group vs. LinkedIn company Page

The company page on LinkedIn is similar to your organization’s website. It should display your clients and workers, as well as your services, products, and events. It should also be a representation of your company’s voice rather than individual voices.

Since LinkedIn groups are discussion boards, they should be filled with topics relevant to your target audience. It’s a platform where you want to get people talking about things that matter to them and educate them on key issues that they should be aware of.

A great way to learn about LinkedIn groups and find tactics to grow them is to find and join other successful LinkedIn groups:

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