How To Tag A Company On LinkedIn? [in 2022]

Written by: Emily Anderson
Last updated:

LinkedIn is also an excellent platform for connecting with companies looking for talents in the same field as you. If you’re wondering how to tag a company on LinkedIn, then definitely read this beginner LinkedIn tutorial.

If you prefer to watch a video on how to tag companies in a LinkedIn post, check out this tutorial:


How to tag a company in a LinkedIn post?

Here is how to tag a company on LinkedIn:

  1. Open
  2. Click on ‘Start a post’start a post on LinkedIn
  3. Add the text of your post.
  4. To tag a company, add the ‘@’ to tag a company on LinkedIn post
  5. Type the name of the company or the LinkedIn page
  6. LinkedIn will suggest LinkedIn company pages.
  7. Select the one you want to tag.
  8. Click on ‘Post’

If you can’t find the company you want to tag in the LinkedIn post, you might have to do a little bit of research first and make sure they have a LinkedIn company page.

To find a company on LinkedIn, just type the company name in the search bar and click on the company name that comes up. If you have trouble finding the company profile, try using keywords related to the company, such as “LinkedIn” or “company name,” and see what comes up.

Why tagging companies in a LinkedIn post is beneficial?

Tagging companies on LinkedIn can be beneficial for multiple reasons and therefore we highly recommend it

First, when you tag a company on LinkedIn, your LinkedIn post is more likely to show up in the LinkedIn feed of people who are following this company on LinkedIn so this is an easy way to grow your organic reach on LinkedIn.

Also, by tagging a company in a LinkedIn post the LinkedIn page admins of the company page will receive a notification on LinkedIn that you have tagged their company, which will increase the chance that they will start engaging with your post and might even reshare the post. This will also help you reach way more people with your posts.

The admins of the LinkedIn page might also receive an email notification that you have tagged the company in a LinkedIn post.

What happens when you tag a company on Linkedin?

When you tag a company on LinkedIn, here is what happens:

  1. The LinkedIn business page admins of that company will receive a notification that you have tagged them in a LinkedIn post
  2. They are also likely to get an email notification from LinkedIn that you have tagged the company page in a LinkedIn post
  3. Last but not least, LinkedIn is also likely to push the organic reach of the LinkedIn post, and your post is likely to show up for people who are not connected with you yet.

Can’t tag a company on a Linkedin post

First, you’ll want to get permission from the company. If you’re unsure whether or not you have permission, check your emails for LinkedIn updates.

If the company hasn’t permitted you to tag them on a post, here are some other ways to do it:

  • Start a conversation with the company and mention that you would like to tag them.
  • You can send them an email directly and ask if they will participate in your posting.
  • You can create a new post directly on their profile and tag them in it.
  • If they have a profile photo, put their photo next to your post and tag it by clicking on the person icon at the top of the post.

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