How To Use Facebook Business Manager? (And Add Assets To It) In 2020

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Are you taking advantage of the features and tools Facebook is providing in Facebook Business Manager?  Do you know how to use these free tools and features in Facebook BM?

In this guide, we are going to cover everything you need to know about using Facebook Business Manager. Among others we will cover:

  • why you should set up a Facebook Business Manager?
  • how to set up a Facebook Business Manager?
  • how to add or request access to your Facebook Business pages that you manage
  • add the Instagram Business accounts to FB BM you have control over
  • add Facebook ad accounts so you can run advertising

Why should you create a FB business manager account?

If you have only created a Facebook Business Page so far, it is great but it is not enough if you want to take advantage of the full potential Facebook is providing for businesses for free.

By using Facebook Business Manager, you will be able to:

  • create and manage multiple Facebook assets (e.g. Facebook pages, Instagram Business accounts, audience lists, product catalogs, etc.)
  • add, remove and edit user access and permissions of people who have access to your Ad account, Instagram and Facebook pages, and apps
  • Track your Facebook ads performance in a more professional way in Facebook Ad reporting and also get access to Attribution data
  • You will also access the following assets from your Facebook Business Manager: Commerce Manager, Catalog Manager, Facebook Analytics, Creative Hub, Audiences, etc.

How to set up the Facebook Business Manager account?

We have a full guide on how to set up, edit a delete your Facebook Business Manager step by step, so now we are just going to quickly show you the process:

  1. Open the link If you are signed in and see multiple businesses under your name, you should sign out from Facebook and you will see the following screen as well in the home page of

Create Account on Facebook Business Manager

  1. In the upper right corner click on Create Account.
  2. You will have to first log back in to be able to create the account (as you will need to have a Facebook profile to be able to use FB Business Manager)
  3. In the first window, you have to add your business name, your name, and a business email where you will get the verification email and also official information from Facebook regarding your Facebook BM account

Create your Business Manager Account on Facebook

  1. In the next step, you have to add your business address and the URL of your website, then click the “Submit” button

Add Business Address and Website - Facebook BM creation

If you want to learn more about the process and issues related to Facebook BM account creation, check out our tutorial on it.

How to add an Ad account to Facebook Business Manager?

In Facebook Business Manager you can add an existing Ad account, request access to an Ad account that is controlled by another Business, or create a new Facebook ad account. We have a separate article on how to create a Facebook ad account, so in this article, we will cover the first two.

The process of adding a Facebook ad account to your Facebook Business Manager is actually really simple:

  1. In your Facebook Business Manager, go the Business Settings
  2. You will see a sidebar on the left, Under the Accounts section, click on Ad accounts
  3. If you have already Ad accounts connect to this Business Manager, you will those ad accounts listed here. If you want to add a new Ad accounts, click on Add as shown in the picture below

If you haven’t added an Ad account to this Facebook BM yet, then you will see another screen, but you should click on the Add button in the same way

  1. After clicking on the Add button, you can see that you have three options to choose from.

Add a Facebook Ad Account to your Facebook Business Manager


  1. You can add a Facebook Ad account that you own, you can request access to an Ad Account that is owned by another business, or create a new Ad Account. In this case, click on ‘Add on Ad Account’
  2. Paste the ID of your Add account and click on ‘Add Ad Account’. Now your Business Manager will own that Ad account and you won’t be able to remove it.

How to request access to an Ad Account in Business Manager?

If you are a freelancer or an agency and run Facebook advertising for clients, you can also request access to a FB Ad Account owned by another business.

The process of requesting an Ad Account from the Business Manager is the same as we have outlined above until step number 4. We will continue from there:

  1. Instead of Add Ad Account, click on ‘Request Access to an Ad Account’.
  2. First, you have to add your primary Facebook page.
  3. Next, type the ID of the Ad Account you are requesting access to.

Request Access to Ad account

If you don’t know the ID of your Facebook ad account, you can do the following:

      • Contact the owner of the Ad account. Ask them to go the Ad Accounts page of their Business Manager
      • Then they have to click on Assign Partner and add the ID of your Facebook Business Manager or they can also create a shareable link:

Assign Partner to Facebook Ad Account

How to add an Instagram Business Account to Facebook Business Manager?

The process of adding an Instagram account to Facebook Business Manager is pretty similar to adding a Facebook Ad Account. Here are all the steps:

  1. Go to the Business Settings page of your Facebook Business Manager.
  2. Click Accounts then Instagram Accounts on the left.
  3. If you have an Instagram business account already added to the BM, you can add additional ones in the upper left corner by clicking on the Add button. If you haven’t added any Instagram accounts to the Facebook Business Manager yet, you will see the ‘Add’ button in the middle of the page.
  4.  The following popup will appear, where you should click to ‘Connect your Instagram Account’

Add an Instagram Account to Facebook Business Manager

5. You have to sign in to your Instagram account by entering your username and password.

6. You will see both your Facebook page and your Instagram account here, where you can click on ‘Add Account’.

As your Instagram Business account has been added to your BM, you can now add people, assign partners and add assets to the Instagram account.

How to claim or request access to a Facebook Page in Facebook Business Manager?

Once again, the process of adding or claiming a Facebook Page to your Business Manager or requesting access to it is pretty similar to what we have done with Facebook ad accounts.

If you want to add a Business Page to your Business Manager or request access to a Page, you have to go through the following steps:

  1. Go to and click on the relevant Facebook Business Manager.
  2. From the drop-down menu, choose ‘Business Settings’
  3. On the left side of the screen, click on ‘Accounts’ then on ‘Pages’.
  4. Click on Add and select ‘Add a Page’ or ‘Request Access to a Page’ as you can see below.

Add or Request Access to a Facebook page from Facebook Business Manager

  1. Whichever you chose, you have to add the name of the Business Page or the URL of the Business page. Once you start typing, Facebook will auto-suggest pages.

Add a Facebook Page to Facebook Business Manager

  1. Once you add the Facebook page, click on ‘Add page’

The difference between adding a Facebook page or requesting a Facebook Business page is the following. If you want to add a Page that you already own or you want to own click on ‘Add page’. If you are an agency or a freelancer and need the page e.g. to run ads from it, click on ‘Request Access to the Page’.

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