It used to be really difficult to schedule Instagram posts as Instagram didn’t provide this functionality natively. You had to use social media scheduler if you wanted to schedule Instagram posts.
However, now it is very easy to preschedule posts on Instagram without using any paid tool as you can use Facebook’s own business tools instead. In this tutorial, we are going to show a super easy way how you can do this.
How to schedule Instagram posts from Facebook Publishing tool?
So, your first option is to schedule Instagram posts from Facebook Publishing Tools. For this method to work, you have to have an Instagram business account and then connect the Instagram business account to your Facebook page. Here is a tutorial on how you can do that:
- to be published
Once your Instagram business account and Facebook page is connected, here is what you have to do to schedule Instagram posts:
- Open the Facebook page your Instagram account is connected to
- On the left column, click on Publishing Tools. Facebook will open up Facebook Publishing Tools for you.
- Click on ‘Create post’ button
- Check that your Instagram business account is ticked, this means that the Publishing Tools will post the content there.
- Add the Instagram post description and upload a photo or a video.
- Now, instead of clicking on the ‘Publish’ button, click on the dropdown icon next to it. Here you will be able to select the ‘Schedule post’ option.
- Now you can specify the exact date and time when you want your Instagram post to go live. Add the scheduled date and time and click on ‘Save.’
This is it, now your Instagram post has been scheduled without using any third party tool.
If you want to know more about how you can leverage the power of Facebook Publising Tools, check out this article:
Schedule Instagram posts from a mobile phone
Facebook Publishing Tool should only work on desktop computer so unfortuntaly you can’t schedule Instagram posts on your mobile phone with Publishing Tools. Well, at least you can’t if you you don’t know the workaround for that.
Here you can checkout a workaround that will work even if your are on mobile:
Schedule Posts on Instagram from Creator Studio
Make sure that your Instagram business account is added to your Facebook Business Manager before you would try to schedule Instagram posts from Creator Studio. If you haven’t connected the Insta account to the Facebook BM, here is a tutorial on how you can do this:
- Connect Instagram Business Account to Facebook Business Manager
Once your Instagram account is connected to your Facebook Business Manager, here is how you can use the Creator Studio to schedule posts on Instagram.
- You can access Creator Studio from Facebook Publishing Tool by clicking on the Creator Studio link or from your Facebook home page sidebar
- First, make sure you choose the Instagram user interface by switching the Icon to Instagram up on the screen.
- Now you can click on ‘Create Post’ on the top left corner.
- You can add the Instagram post description and upload the photo or the video from your computer.
- Next, instead of clicking on the ‘Publish’ button, click the down arrow next to it, and select the ‘Schedule’ option.
- Add the date and time you want your Insta post to be scheduled then click on the ‘Schedule’ button.
That’s it, so this is the second way how you can schedule Instagram posts without using any pricey and complex social media scheduler.