Creating the TikTok Pixel and installing TikTok Pixel Events on the website is not always an easy process. That’s where the TikTok Pixel Helper comes in handy.
In this TikTok ads tutorial, we are going to explain everything you have to know about the TikTok Pixel Helper, how to install the TikTok Pixel Helper, and many more.
If you need an introduction on TikTok Pixel, watch this video first:
What is the TikTok Pixel Helper?
A TikTok Pixel Helper is a chrome extension you can use to find errors in the TikTok Pixel configuration of your website. It is fairly easy to use and you don’t necessarily have to be a developer to find issues and bugs with it that are related to the TikTok Pixel
How does TikTok Pixel Helper work?
A TikTok Pixel Helper automatically runs in the background in your chrome browser. You can install a TikTok Pixel Helper from your chrome browser.
It will check your Pixel Events as you load the window or do some kind of interaction on the website and tell you if the TikTok Pixel Events fired all right or there was an issue with TikTok Pixel event.
Tiktok pixels are a measurement mechanism that tracks the TikTok ad’s impact on your website. The pixel helper enables you to measure the conversations and ad performances on your website.
It is JavaScript that lets you monitor a user’s activities and monitor sales. If any user enters your website the pixel tracks their activities and conversation.
Tiktok pixel helper helps you to check if the TikTok pixel is installed accurately and working fine.
How to install the Pixel Helper 2.0?
Pixel helper 2.0 does the same thing a pixel helper does. It is the latest version of the TikTok pixel helper. It enables intenser-level error detecting in the pixel install process. It gives accurate and detailed information at all levels. It delivers two core benefits to the advisers. This is made available from April 2021.
Download the extension file source code in a zip file. Unpack the zip file in a location.
Go to the chrome extension tab from the more tools. Make sure to enable the developer mode. Then add the file from your location folder. You can install it by going to a chrome extensions page.
Can’t install the TikTok Pixel Helper
For a TikTok pixel helper to work first, you need a business account on TikTok.You need to create a ticket business account. After that, you need to create a pixel.
Select create pixel and name your pixel, then install the pixel by manually adding the pixel code onto your website. paste the pixel code there.
If you want to select the 3d party tool pixel code option then it will connect you to your Google account. You need to fill in the information about your google account there. Then you can install your Tik Tok pixel helper.
A TikTok pixel helper also needs an event tracking template. So you need to provide an industry category to build a sequel of events and start a tracking event.
You need to define tracking rules for events by choosing some options. It can be a destination URL, element click, or pop-up event. A pixel can not track event activities if they are not defined. There are many more additional selections that you can add.
Here we have described how you can set up your TikTok pixel helper. A pixel helper is an important key to digital strategy. You can measure campaigns and ads performances. You can also monitor the marketing strategy for your campaigns, monitor sales, and user activities and create engaging audiences.