Facebook Page Audit – How-to and Tools [2021]

Written by: ROIhacks.com
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Do you want to make sure you get the most out of your Facebook page? Then you have to audit your Facebook page and the content you post to the Facebook page.

In this tutorial, we are going to show you how you can do a Facebook page audit and what tools you have at your hand that can help you.

How to audit a Facebook page?

You can audit a Facebook page manually, checking all the important parts of a Facebook page or you can use a Facebook page audit tool. First, we are going to show you what you should check when you audit a Facebook page manually, then we are also going to show you some audit tool that can help you within the process.

If you want to get the checklist that we use to audit Facebook pages and its organic posting strategy, click on the button below:

Facebook page audit checklist

When you are auditing a Facebook page manually, here are the main areas you should pay attention to it:

Facebook page branding audit

The most important question you want to answer in the branding part of the Facebook page audit:

  • Is the branding consistent throughout the page and connected assets?
  • Is the Facebook page indexed in Google search?

Facebook page basic setup audit

Some questions you have to audit here:

You can also check out a video here that goes through the basics of setting up a Facebook page:

Connected assets audit

When you connect other social media platforms to your Facebook page, it is easier to grow your following on other social media platforms as well:

  • Did you connect the Facebook page with other social media platforms and do they have a consistent branding?

Facebook page contact info audit

The majority of users search for a Facebook page as they want to get your best contact info and contact you. So you have to answer these questions in the Facebook page audit:

  • are the right contact info available on the FB page?
  • Is all contact information correct?
  • Is your About section filled out?

Facebook page media audit

Having nice and professional images, videos and gifs on your Facebook page also make your business and brand more credible, so it is worth auditing your Facebook page media library, especially media that is most visible to the average Facebook page user.

Some questions you should definitely pay attention to:

  • Is the profile picture uploaded in the right size? Are important parts of the picture visible on both desktop and mobile?
  • Is the cover photo uploaded in the right size? Are important parts of the cover photo visible on both desktop and mobile?

Facebook page customer care/satisfaction audit

Reviews and direct communication with customers are becoming also an important part of the Facebook page so you should audit the following issues:

  • What is the current rating of the Facebook page and is it improving or getting worse?
  • Are customer questions, review answered when it is necessary?
  • Are the FB page managers replying to customer inquiries in direct messages?

Facebook business assets audit

Although they are not essential to run a Facebook page, setting up Facebook Business assets (Facebook Business Manager, Ad account, Facebook Pixel) and connecting them with the Facebook page can have many benefits.

Facebook page content marketing audit

At the end of the day, the most important thing you should audit and analyze is the performance of your Facebook posts and the overall organic reach.

You will be able to maximize your organic reach by consistently posting high quality and engaging Facebook posts. That is why you should audit the content marketing of your Facebook page.

Here are some of these checkpoints you should audit:

  • Do you have a content calendar for your Facebook posts?
  • Do you schedule Facebook posts at the right time?
  • Are you repurposing content from other social channels?

Free Facebook Page audit

The best way to audit your Facebook page is to do it manually yourself. Fortunately, we have written a separate guide where we share the Facebook page optimization checklist we use to audit Facebook business pages.

You can read that tutorial here:

If you audit a Facebook page manually, it is not only free, but it is lot easier to identify issues that leave your Facebook page unoptimized. It is also less likely that you will glance over some important points that might pull the performance of your Facebook page back.

Facebook page audit tools

If you want to just do a quick audit of a Facebook page, you can also use some Facebook page audit tools.

Here are some Facebook page audit tools that you could try out:

Facebook page insights

Although this is not a 3rd party tool, still the best place to start your Facebook page audit is on Facebook by utilizing the mass amount of data they provide on your Facebook page performance.

Facebook page insights

No other tool will beat this.

Socialbakers Facebook page performance

Socialbakers provides you with a free Facebook page audit that you can use to compare your Facebook page performance with the performance of your competitors.

Here is a sample from their Facebook page audit report:

Socialbakers Facebook page audit report sample

Vaizle Facebook page audit

Vaizle also provides free and paid solutions to audit the performance and the setup of you Facebook page and compare it to your most direct competitors.

You can learn more about it here:


Iconosqure free Facebook page audit

Iconosquare is a social media analytics company that provides analytics and reporting for most of the popular social media platforms.

They also have a free Facebook page audit tool that you can use the analyze the performance of your Facebook page. You can check it out here:


Disclaimer about Facebook page audit tools

Most social media SaaS company provides some kind of Facebook page audit tool that you can use for free and use them to get a quick audit of your Facebook business page.

Keep in mind that in most cases, these are usually lead generation tools rather than complete audit services. Well, you know, nothing is free.

Facebook Page Audit Checklist

So if just want to audit the Facebook business pages yourself, here is the link to the Facebook page audit checklist that you can use to audit Facebook page and the content marketing efforts of these pages:

Facebook page audit checklist

If you are missing important checkpoints in the checklist, let us know in the comments below.


ChatGPT For Facebook Pages Checklist & Prompt Library (38 Expert Prompts)

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38 customizable expert ChatGPT prompts for growing a Facebook page, coming up with engaging Facebook post ideas & making more money from Facebook.