How To Promote A Facebook Page? (Top 10 Tips) (Paid and Free Facebook Promotion Tactics in 2022

Written by: Emily Anderson
Last updated:

If you want to grow a Facebook page, besides being active and sharing valuable content, you should also try to promote the Facebook page grabbing every opportunity you can.

In this Facebook page marketing tutorial, we are going to show to you the top 10 tips to promote a Facebook business page that will help you get from 0 to your dream follower count.

Without further ado, let’s dive in.

How to promote a Facebook page?

Here are the top 10 ways to promote a Facebook page:

  1. Post engaging content on your Facebook page
  2. Create a Facebook group with your page
  3. Post and comment as a Facebook page in FB groups
  4. Run a contest on your Facebook page
  5. Cross-promote your Facebook page
  6. Promote the FB page on your website
  7. Promote the Facebook business page on the email newsletter
  8. Promote the Facebook page on other social media channels
  9. Use QR codes to promote the Facebook page offline
  10. Promote the Facebook page by running Facebook ads

If you want to get more Facebook page promotion tactics, make sure to request our Facebook page growth checklist here:

1. Post engaging content on your page

So this should be pretty obvious, but I can’t leave it out from the list. If the content you share is not engaging, then you can promote the sh*t out of your Facebook page, your posts will reach nobody.

When your content is engaging, Facebook will not only share it to your Facebook page followers, but it will distribute to people who are not following your page.

2. Create a Facebook group with your page

Besides posting engaging content to the news feed, there are many Facebook page promotion tips you can try.

For instance, you can use your Facebook page to create a Facebook group. In this case, you cannot ony post in the Facebook group with your personal profile but you can also post in the group as a Facebook page, which will definitely give your page a higher reach overall.

What’s more, if people are engaging with your Facebook group posts, you can also invite these people to like the Facebook page which is a really easy way to get more Facebook page likes.

3. Post valuable content in niche Facebook groups

Besides creating your own Facebook group, you can follow a similar strategy without owning a Facebook group. If the group admins haven’t disabled this option, you can join any Facebook group as a Facebook page.

how to join a Facebook group as a Facebook page

Then you can share high-value posts here and be an active member which is a free and organic way to promote your Facebook page.

4. Run a contest on your Facebook page

Another very effective way to promote a Facebook page is to run some kind of contest or giveaway on the Facebook page.

These contests on your Facebook usually work tremendously well in terms of engagement, so you should expect a huge spike in organic reach thanks to it.

You can also advertise the giveaway posts on Facebook, but because of the huge engagement, the post can go viral without paying for Facebook ads.

5. Cross-promote a Facebook page

Another growth hack to promote a Facebook business page is to cross-promote it on other Facebook pages.

So if you find Facebook pages that have similar audiences, it can be a mutually beneficial thing to promote each other on your own Facebook pages. You promote your partner, they promote your page on their Facebook page.

6. Promote your Facebook page on your website

If you have a website, then you should obviously place some links that would take the visitor to your Facebook page.

Depending on your priorities, you can promote your Facebook business page lightly or more aggressively.

A light approach would be to place a Facebook page widget under your articles, or a Facebook icon in the website footer.

If you want to promote the Facebook page more aggressively, then you can also place a Facebook page widget in the sidebar of the website. The strongest way to promote your Facebook page is to create a popup that encourages people to like the Facebook page.

7. Promote your Facebook page for free in your newsletter

If you also have a newsletter (which you should have), then you can also use that to promote your Facebook page there.

There are two main ways to promote a Facebook page in a newsletter.

First, you can send a dedicated email that encourages your newsletter subscriber to also follow you on the Facebook page and any other social media channel.

Secondly, you can also place your social icon in the signature of the newsletter, so people interested in following you on Facebook, can click through to your Facebook page in each and every email.

8. Promote on other social media channels

You should make sure that if someone follows you on Tiktok, Instagram, Youtube, or any other social media platform, they also like your Facebook page.

If you want to achieve this, then you should promote your Facebook page sometimes on all the other social media channels where you have a decent following.

9. Use QR codes to promote the page offline

If you have a strong physical presence, and especially if you are running a café or restaurant then it also makes sense to promote the Facebook business page offline.

If you want to call attention to your Facebook page offline, then using a QR code is the best way to do so. With a Facebook page QR code, people can easily scan it and check your Facebook page easily without typing the URL of your Facebook page manually into their browser.

You can create a QR code within your Facebook page when you create a Facebook page menu, or there are also plenty of free QR code generators that you can use to create a specific QR code for your Facebook page.

10. Run ads for Facebook page promotion

We have left running Facebook ads as the last Facebook page promotion tactic for obvious reasons.

It is the easiest method to do, but this is the only one in the promotion tactic list that will definitely cost you money.

One thing you should keep in mind is that number of your Facebook page follower is just mostly a vanity metric, so you shouldn’t pay too much just to promote the Facebook page itself.

You should dedicate the majority of your Facebook ads budget to campaigns that bring you conversions or leads.

Having said that, the easiest way to promote a Facebook page is to either run a like campaign or an engagement campaign.

Here you can find more information on how to run a Facebook like ad campaign to promote a FB business page:


Need more Facebook page promotion tactics?

Check out this video on some other Facebook page promotion tactics:

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