Did you know that you can use Facebook as a page as well? This means that you can share Facebook posts, comment, like and engage with other Facebook pages and these interactions will appear not under your personal Facebook profile but under the name of your Facebook page.
Engaging with other Facebook pages and people as a Facebook page has many benefits as we will show in this tutorial.
In this Facebook page tutorial, we are going to show you:
- how to use Facebook as a page
- how you can use Facebook as a page
- what you can’t do as a Facebook page
- why it makes sense to use Facebook as a page actively.
If you want to see an example video of how to use Facebook as a page, check out this one:
How to use Facebook as a page?
If you want to use Facebook as a page here are the things you can do with it (if you want to learn how you can do these, click on the links and you will get to the step by step tutorials):
- you can like other Facebook pages as a page
- you can comment on posts of other Facebook pages
- you can share Facebook posts as a page
- you can like posts of other Facebook pages
- you can message people who contacted your Facebook page
- you can like comments, comment on Facebook posts you have shared. Here you will be able to engage with not only Facebook pages but with regular Facebook profiles as well.
- you can post as a Facebook page to groups you have joined as a Facebook page or to Facebook groups you have created.
- message people and pages who commented on your Facebook post (restricted after a certain period of time)
What you can’t do as a Facebook page?
Of course, there are some limitations to using Facebook as a page. Here are the things you won’t be able use Facebook as page:
- randomly message people who didn’t connect with you via Facebook Messenger
- comment on Facebook posts on personal profiles
- share Facebook posts of personal Facebook profiles
- like and engage with personal profiles
So mostly as you can see by now the limitations are mostly related to personal accounts which makes sense as Facebook doesn’t want to allow spam Facebook pages to annoy users with unwanted promotions.
Why you should use Facebook as a page for boosting your FB marketing efforts?
As you can see, there are some limitations but there are plenty of things you can do with your Facebook page.
If you haven’t used your Facebook page very frequently for the things we have described above then it might be the time to incorporate these tactics into your Facebook page marketing efforts.
When you are engaging with other pages and people as a Facebook page, it is clear that your Facebook page will get higher organic visibility.
If you share popular Facebook posts of other Facebook pages that are active in your target audience then Facebook is more likely to recommend your Facebook page to people who don’t know your page yet but are likely to follow you if your page gets recommended.
So if your Facebook page is really new, or you don’t really have brand recognition among your target audience group, it is recommended to engage with people or pages that are operating in the same niche.