How To Add the Jobs To Facebook Page? Facebook Jobs Tab Missing [in 2022]

Written by: Emily Anderson
Last updated:

If you are using Facebook for hiring, then it is important to add the Jobs tab to your Facebook page

In this Facebook page tutorial, we are going to show you how to add the Jobs tab to your Facebook page.

If you prefer to watch a video tutorial on how to add the Jobs tab to your Facebook page, check out this one:

How to add Jobs tab to Facebook page?

Here is how to add the Jobs tab to the Facebook page:

  1. Open the Facebook page
  2. On the left column, click on ‘Settings’
  3. Then again on the left, click on ‘Templates and Tabs’.
  4. Scroll down here and enable the Facebook ‘Job’s tab.

Once you go back back to the homepage of the Facebook page and you should be able to see the Jobs tab  on your Facebook page home screen.

Facebook Jobs Tab Missing from page

It seems like Facebook has removed the Jobs tab from the Facebook page as you can no longer add the Jobs tab to the Facebook page.

This is related to the decision that Facebook has removed the Jobs product from Facebook for anyone except employers in the United States and Canada. So from now on, unfortunately, you can’t post jobs on Facebook for free.

Can’t add Jobs Tab to Facebook

If you can’t add the Jobs tab to the Facebook page, it probably means that you are outside the US and Canada, and you will no longer be able to post jobs from your Facebook page.

If you are in the US and Canada, you should check whether you have admin access for the Facebook page. If you don’t have Facebook page admin access, here are some tutorials to help you get one:

How to remove Facebook Jobs tab from Facebook page?

If you want to remove or hide the Facebook page tab, here you can find a tutorial on how to do it.

Related Tutorials – Jobs tab on the Facebook page

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